Coffee has long been en vogue – and the ever-complicated orders at Starbucks are proof of how far this simple hot drink has evolved over the last few years. The most complicated order to date?
“Venti, half-whole milk, one quarter 1%, one-quarter non-fat, extra hot, split quad shots (1 1/2 shots decaf, 2 1/2 shots regular), no foam latte, with whip, 2packets of Splenda, 1 sugar in the raw, a touch of vanilla syrup and 3 short sprinkles of cinnamon”!" StarbucksBut the trend is not slowing down. 2021 is proving to be as caffeine-fueled as ever, and we are now well into what is known as the “third wave” of coffee, where “respect is given to high-quality speciality roasts, hyper-specific beans, innovative brewing methods and origin information that combines with environmental, ethical and social credentials.” Just Drinks
Just this year alone Tiktok has uncovered four new coffee trends: Dalgona whipped coffee, Proffee, Coffee Jelly, and the Dirty Coffee!